Elvis – the Musical: Download

Elvis. His life. His Music.

This musical was designed for a primary school with 10 classes each with a scene, and an additional scene for the teachers.

It has 11 Elvis’s, each at a different age and stage.

It can be adapted for any size school.

You thought you knew the King of Rock n’Roll?

Think again!

The musical uses original Elvis tracks. Consult with your district education authority regarding the use of existing songs within school musicals.


Download Script and Backing Tracks


Provide Staff, Cast and Crew links to the soundtrack

All streaming services and YouTube



Good Luck!



Please help…

Please help me to keep these resources available for free. A small donation will help to cover the costs.

Direct Debit: Chris James t/as School Musicals BSB: 633 000 Acc:128 097 367

PayPal: @smchrisj

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